Jeanie Akins
Donning Company Clerk – Brookfield, Missouri
During my 42+ years at Walsworth I’ve held several positions, including with the Donning Company. Now, I assist Donning publishers as a clerk. I assist staff with choosing books to mail to clients in order to attract new business. I also maintain stock, order supplies, register books for copyrights, maintain marketing lists and book counts, and assist with the preparations required for conventions, among other duties.
I have a long history with Walsworth, including the fact that my mother worked here for 53 years. I got started here because of other employees.
The coolest thing I get to do at work is the same thing that makes me want to come to work every day: I love helping others!
Something interesting about me is that I’ve actually worked at Walsworth twice, once from 1977 to 1978 and again since 1980. In fact, my rehire date is also my husband’s birthday.
When not at work, I love spending time with my family and caring for my pets. I’ve been married since 1994 to Darrell Akins. We have three children. Tim and Jenna are both teachers and Rachel is an RN. Darrell and our kids all graduated from the University of Missouri, which is an Akins family tradition.
Walsworth has made a huge contribution to my family because two of my children were awarded Walsworth scholarships, as well as my mother. It’s amazing to think that my family has a combined working experience of more than 95 years here!
I give back to my community as a Sunday School teacher and financial secretary at New Hope Baptist Fellowship in Marceline. I contribute to Community Chest as well as make school donations.
Three of my favorite memories of working here are seeing my mother recognized at anniversary functions and seeing my two children awarded Walsworth scholarships.