Alicia Coard
Commercial Customer Service Representative
How many years have you been with Walsworth? 35
Have you held any previous job titles with Walsworth? Not really. I started out in the finishing department and then moved to the composition department before becoming a CSR and then the CSR supervisor.
The thing I love most about my job is… My team. They are the best.
The best customer interaction I’ve had at Walsworth was… Customer visits with NSTA, AI Root and Best Friends. They are amazing people and I truly enjoy working with them.
Working at Walsworth, I’ve learned… Patience is a virtue.
When I’m not working, I love to… Spend time with family and friends
An uncommon fact people might not know about me is… I am not a people person. (LOL)
I get inspired by… Nature, my co-workers, family and friends
My favorite food is… My mom’s Chicken Kiev
My guilty pleasure is… Spending every Saturday in the fall watching U of M college football. Go blue!
The best vacation I ever took was… Ixtapa, Mexico, Oregon Coast and Portland, Oregon