Lori Garcia
Yearbook Sales Representative
I love my job! Every day is different but the one thing that remains consistent is my desire to help people. I truly love my customers and yearbook. There is nothing better to me than helping schools achieve their yearbook goals and representing my city of El Paso. I could not see myself doing anything or working for anyone else.
I have been a Walsworth Yearbooks Sales Rep for 10 years and I’m in my 10th delivery season.
I love books and I love to read! As a kid, I had my book in one hand and a camera in the other. I then became the yearbook editor in high school and my passion took off from there. Now my former adviser and I still get to work together.
The coolest thing about my job is that I get to help someone every single day.
If I had a personalized coffee mug at work, it would say “Lori Loves Yearbook”
My customers and my passion are what pushes me out of bed and into my car on a daily basis.
I have such a wonderful support system. My son Lucas and my husband Oscar have everything to do with my success and happiness. I am so blessed I get to share my life with them and I love them to infinity and beyond.
If I’m not hanging outside with my son, I am in my kitchen cooking (I love to cook) or in my office crafting. I am also a huge 49er fan so I love watching football with my family.
Walsworth has been such a wonderful company to work for. It brings me joy knowing that Walsworth and I have made an impact in journalism in El Paso, Texas, and the nation.
I love to serve at my Catholic church; I serve on several women’s and teens’ retreats. I am also a member of the PTA for my son’s school. We have held several drives for food and donations to help the less fortunate areas across our city.
There are too many great memories to count! For one of our sales meetings, we submitted a photo of our families. Watching everyone’s loved ones on the big screen brought tears to my eyes. It shows all the beautiful faces of the people who support us and that memory has stayed with me. I also love reading the feedback from my customers on how I helped in some way. It makes it all worth it.